Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bust Your Windows [[Gokudera X OC]] (PG13)

He stared at the photos that littered the floor. The glossy surfaces mocked him, the pictures with him with different women, having dinner, flirting and fucking. He followed the trail, the anxiousness didn’t fade, and he bit his lip as he walked into the garage. He ran his calloused hand through silver locks, the other tucked into the pocket of his pants.

His heavy footsteps echoed as he walked on into the dark garage, metal bands of his rings hitting against the plastic switch as he turned on the lights to a surprise.

The once beautiful F12berlinetta now vandalized.

Paint job scratched and scraped off.

The body was beyond repair, bullet holes and dents aplenty.

The windows were smashed in, though bullet proof, it wasn’t indestructible.
It had been smashed from the inside.

The interior of the car had also taken a new look, leather seats filled with bullet holes and multiple stabs and tears, the soft filling inside of the seats spilled out in a large mess.

Not one part of the luxurious car was left untouched. Even the headlights were smashed in.

But the thing that caught his attention the most was the shining silver ring that lay on the ground along with shards of gleaming glass and bullet casings, the single diamond ring laid there glittering and unscarred even though it looked like it had been thrown with much force from the dent on the band.

He fell on his knees; the pain didn’t register into his numb heart.

Even when he had told her the truth about the Mafia and how he worked, she accepted him. His blood stained hands she held and kissed, forgiving him in so many ways no matter what.

But now, she was gone.

The person he loved.

The one thing he cared for.

“Thanks for getting me, Reborn,” she smiled sadly as she wiped away the tears that threatened to fall.

“It’s not a problem, bella.”